Saturday, November 22, 2014

New TV

 We did it...we finally bought a new TV.  In fact this marks the very first TV we've ever purchased!  I know the set up isn't very glamorous...the dresser actually belonged to my great-grandmother (maybe one day I will paint it and change the hardware).  But, for now it does a pretty good job as a TV stand.  We decided on a 50 inch and when you are used to watching everything on a lap top, a 50 inch TV has completely  rocked our world!

Last night we broke it in by hosting a movie night with my parents...Swiss Family Robinson was the feature film.  The kids loved it!  The classics are always a good bet.

So our first TV was actually a wedding present from the Marian Cycling Team back in 1999 right after we got married.  It finally crapped out a couple of months ago...but it served us very well.

Now, if you will...lets have a moment of silence as we remember our faithful Samsung, and look at some good memories we've had with it.

Haley and Morgan working out with Jen at our old house.  They were probably 3 and 5 years old.

 Morgan, cousin Jett and Piper watching a movie...very close to the screen apparently.

Enjoying a movie night with the family.
I was pregnant with Rory on bed rest when I took this picture.

I hope your are all having an awesome weekend!  I know we will enjoy some good TV watching!

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