Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Last week Ryan drove to St. George for work...for those out of the know, it's about four hours south from us.  It was just a day trip, he left at the crack of dawn and was going to be home by nine that same night.  (I find it fascinating that he can do 7-8 hours of driving round trip, meet his dealers/work and usually squeeze in a bike ride in there at some point, all in one day.)  

Anyway, unfortunately he broke down in Cedar City on the way home (Cedar is still about 3 hours away from home).  He got it towed to a place, but everything was closed or closing, so he had to stay the night there.  He found out in the morning that the timing belt (this would be our second one) snapped and ran havoc to the engine, untimely killing it.  The guy quoted Ryan $9800 to replace the engine!  That just wasn't going to happen for a car with over 200,000 miles!  Even if he towed it back home (which would run us 500 dollars) and get another quote, we wouldn't have gotten anything better than $5000. 

So, in the end, Ryan decided to say his goodbyes and hand it off to the wrecking yard there in Cedar (who ended up giving us more than we expected for it, so that's nice!)  Although, I have no doubt that they will fix it and our beloved wagon will end up being sold and driven's too nice of a car!

A couple shop kids from a bike shop here in town took a little road trip and picked Ryan up for me, (how nice is that?)   Operation Saving Private Ryan!   The logistics with my kids made it difficult for me to go, so I'm very grateful for them!  

Ryan snapped a couple of photos before saying goodbye.  Oh how we loved that car!!  So many memories!

 This one kills me...just heartbreaking seeing it get towed away.  It so crazy how we can get so attached to cars!

So that all happened on Friday and by Tuesday Ryan made the purchase for his new rep mobile.  He can't really waste any time since our livelihood pretty much relies on Ryan driving...the life of a rep!

Volkswagen seem to be our thing...
It's a 2012 Jetta Wagon...we pick it up today!  

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