Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rory's Birthday

Last week we celebrated Rory's 3rd birthday!

We got the biggest chocolate cake  from Costco.  And even though we had 12 people there, we didn't put a dent in that thing!  And with Ryan out of town the rest of that week, you can guess who ate the rest of it.  So good....so good.

Rory is crazy for princess dresses and wears them on a daily basis.  She also has several wardrobe changes throughout the day...one minute she's Snow White, the next she's Elsa...and she'll alternate between them about every 15 minutes.

She partied hard and then crashed.

Side note:  After she fell asleep like that I scooped her up and just laid her down dress and all in her crib.  However, I forgot that there is a button on that dress that when pushed the dress lights up and the song "Let it Go"  plays.  So yeah, guess who was hearing "Let it Go" all night with every movement Rory made...yeah...us.  I finally caved and wrestled it off her around 3 in the morning.  Luckily, she wasn't phased, and slept through it like a charm.  So, note to others...don't put your kid in bed with a light up, singing dress...it won't end well for you.

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