Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

 Road trip!
Are you sick of our road trip family selfies yet?

Last week we loaded up the burban (does anyone else call their suburban a burban?)...anyway...we loaded up and headed to Sedona for Thanksgiving.  Ryan was going over the years and discovered that he has spent Thanksgiving with his mom 36 out of his 37 years.  The one year he missed is when I was nine months pregnant with Rory and we opted to stay close to home.  Kids...I tell ya....they mess everything up.  But yeah...that's a pretty good track record!  

 Emergency potty stop at Jacob Lake, AZ.
Our kids are too seemed like we were stopping every hour.  We weren't, but that's what it feels like.

We spent the couple days before Thanksgiving by going to the park, feeding the ducks at Talaqapaque (that's probably spelled wrong, but I don't feel like looking it up), hiking at Red Rock Crossing and a bit of mountain biking at Bell Rock.  

 Morgan in piggie heaven.
Have I mentioned that she wants a pig for in a breathing, real life pig?
Yeah...that won't be happening...sorry Morgan.

 More pigs.

 And because Morgan is posing by pigs, Piper has to get in on it too.

 Thursday morning...prepping for Thanksgiving!

The weather was amazing the whole time we were there luckily.  In fact, it was even warm enough to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner outside!

 We were even able to take Haley out for a bit of mountain biking...although, she was on a cyclocross bike.  It was a bit tough for her, but she gave it her best and said she had fun (I'm not really convinced that she did).  I think she'll like it more if she had a mountain bike.  We'll try to get on that for next year!

All in all, a very successful trip!  

Now I'm in full Christmas mode!  Bring it!

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