Thursday, February 26, 2015

It's My Birthday!!

"One year older and wiser too!
Happy YOU!!"
( that wouldn't rhyme)

That's from a song that we sing in Primary when it's someone's's been in my head all day.

So yeah, it's my birthday.
I woke up to Ryan, Haley and Piper (they were the only ones up at the time) singing me Happy Birthday in bed complete with a cupcake and candle.  Actually, I started coming downstairs before they came up and I was scolded and told to hurry up and get back into bed.  And then, downstairs waiting for me...a NEW BIKE!!  I've been without a road bike for a year now, so I'm happy to have one again!

Ryan took me to lunch...super fun treat!
And there's a cake with my name on it (literally) waiting to be eaten for tonight!

Happy Birthday to me!!

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