Monday, March 2, 2015

Birthday Pictures

I had a really nice birthday evening.
Except for the part when my kids asked us every two minutes when we would sing Happy Birthday and eat the cake.  And then they argued about who got what piece and who got what strawberry. feels like I have 30 kids surrounding me at times...not four.  
Are girls just extraordinarily loud?  
The answer is yes.

But enough complaining about my extremely loud household.

The cake was compliments of my parents...even though they have been back in the LBC it seems they have taken on the tradition of ordering the cakes for us when they can't be here in person.  Yes, I now expect you do this all the time...just kidding...but seriously, I will totally let you.

 Like I said big birthday surprise was a new bike!
Here she is...what a beauty!
It's a Garneau...fairly new in the states and I'm pretty darn excited about it.

And then Jeffy gifted me this shirt from Snowbird.
Cute huh?!

Oh, and I can't forget to mention that we got SNOW this weekend!!
It actually snowed on my birthday too!

In fact, we got snowed in at work on Saturday.
Just a few of us chillin' in the yurt.
I guess it had been too long since the last storm and everyone forgot how to drive in snow.  A car ended up in the river in the canyon and a UTA bus slid out too.  It was huge mess getting the tow and plows up to clear everything we were stuck for a good three hours at Sundance before we got to leave.  
Good times....well, not so much.

Anyway, I hope everyone else had a great weekend!
Happy Monday!

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