Thursday, March 12, 2015

Making Changes

 This was last Wednesday skiing with my little ones.

This was this Wednesday trying to paint while nursing a sick one.

Not ideal for sure...she came down with a stomach bug, most likely she got sick from Morgan who stayed home from school on Monday.  However, Morgan wasn't sick to this extent.  Anyway, so I painted like a crazy woman in the morning while Piper slept then I cuddled on the couch with her for about 2 1/2 hours watching numerous Pioneer Woman and House Hunters episodes.  Yep, guilt free sofa surfing!!

So yeah, painting.  There are some big changes happening around here.  As you are probably aware (or not) my two oldest (Haley and Morgan) share a bedroom.  They don't always get fact they have pretty much opposite ways of life.  Haley is much neater and likes to have her room clean and in a certain way (most of the time) and Morgan on the other hand isn't so much that way.  But, I was (note "was") holding on that they still share a room because it helps them to understand to compromise and work together...important life skills!!  

Well, I hit the end of my rope!!  The older they get the more fighting and bickering they's awful!  Several weeks ago in the midst of one of there fights (and girls can get pretty physical, it's not just boys!) I barged in and began removing every toy, craft, doll, EVERYTHING that they held dear out of their room.  I stashed it all in our spare room and boy oh boy did I have their attention then!!  Let's just say there were a lot of tears over this one!!  To earn their things back they needed to get along (NO FIGHTING) for three days in a row and then they could pick ONE item to get back.  Then another three days for another item and so on and so on.  They eventually got everything back.  But, Ryan and I have decided that it's time they each have their own space.  

Soooo, we are moving Haley into our spare room (our futon will be moved to the basement/craft room) and Morgan will be moving into the room that Piper and Rory share.  And Piper and Rory will be still be sharing, but will move into Haley and Morgan's room.  Does that make sense?  It's time anyway for Piper to move out of her toddler bed and Rory to move out of her crib and into the bunk bed.

I'm actually pretty darn thrilled about this, as I think it will relieve a lot of the fighting between the older girls.
And all the girls seems to be excited about it as well.

So hence the painting.  I've painted Haley's new room a turquoise color...however, what I thought was going to be a very light turquoise turned out to be much brighter!  I'm not that keen on it (but perhaps it will grow on me) but Haley is in love with it!  I guess that's all that matters.

We still have quite a bit of work to beds to purchase and lots and lots of cleaning!  There is so much stuff that needs to be thrown out or organized before these kids make the move into their new rooms.

And if you are wondering, it hasn't even been a year since redoing their rooms the last time.  Ah, good times.

Hope ya'll are having a great week!

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