Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Our St. Patrick's Day

 The week before St. Patrick's Day my mom sent the girls this Leprechaun trap that she MADE!  All out of paper!  As I've said before she is the paper craft master!  Well, it's all paper except for the ladder which my dad made from wood.  Isn't it amazing?!!  The girls were super thrilled to set the trap the night before and hopefully catch something!
Checking the trap first thing!
They found a little leprechaun inside and all his gold!

 This is the second year in a row that we've grabbed green donuts St. Patrick's day morning...I think it's our thing now.  I like it.

 I ventured out of my comfort zone and went with green makeup.  I had to watch a couple youtube videos showing green makeup tutorials first to build up my courage.  My biggest fears with going darker on the lids or using brighter colors is 1) looking like a clown or 2) I'll look like a hooker.  I know...I'm weird.
But luckily I don't think I looked like either, and I was happy with how it turned out.

So, back to St. Patrick's Day...I planned my traditional dinner of Irish Stew (except I couldn't find any lamb at the store and had to go with beef), my homemade green cornmeal bread and for dessert, I made a green cake.

So...quick story about the green cake.  I was in the kitchen frosting the cake when Haley called me to help her with something upstairs.  I was only away from the cake for a couple of minutes, but when I came back in the kitchen I found this little stinker like this...
I immediately asked her, "What did you do?" and her quick response, "Nothing!".  She had absolutely no idea she had the evidence all over her face.  I couldn't help but laugh and take her picture.  We won't tell Jeffy (who joined us for dinner) what she will be our secret.  My brother's have issues with my children contaminating food.  I do try really hard to make sure they don't just for the record!  But come on!!  Look at that face!!  How can anyone be mad at that face?!

Hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day!!

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