Thursday, March 19, 2015

My helpers.

After many days of turning a blind eye to the's just so easy to shut the door and walk away...I decided to finally clean it up.  I've been on a mission of throwing stuff out.  Last week I tossed three large garbage bags from Haley and Morgan's room...go me!

But anyway, the playroom, I kid you not I couldn't even see the floor there were so many toys and dress up stuff and just junk everywhere!  I should have taken  before picture...not really...that's too embarrassing.  As I was cleaning the little ones decided to "help" me.  I would give them a task for them to do but they're idea of helping was to get numerous grocery bags or empty bins and just pack as much random stuff as they could in it and then bring it over to me.  It was actually quite comical because they really felt they were working hard (heavy panting and saying things like "Phew!  Look it how good we're doing?!  It's almost clean!".  Meanwhile I'm surrounded by bags trying to find the home for all the stuff inside them.

But the playroom is now clean...for the moment that is.
Happy Thursday!

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