Thursday, February 12, 2015

Skiing with my Littles

Yesterday I took advantage of having nothing on our schedule in the day.  I took Piper and Rory myself...which I'm pretty proud of if I do say so.  Any parent that has taken children skiing know that this is no easy task.  But I did it!  And we had FUN!

I worked on the tow handle with Rory while Piper did laps around us...luckily we pretty much had the run to ourselves!  

They insisted on going on the big chair lift before we left which I was a little apprehensive about doing but went for it anyway.  They did great!  I just put Rory in front of me and held her close down the steeper sections.  She's so light I could carry her in my arms skiing down if I had to.  But we managed just fine. 

It was such a nice morning...granted, a lot of work...but fun.  

They must have worked hard too...
...this was them as we pulled into the garage.  Yes, Piper fell asleep with a sucker in her mouth...probably not the safest.

I'm going to try to do this as many Wednesdays as I can.  We're going to have our entire family skiing together by the close of the season...mark my words!!

Enjoy the holiday weekend ya'll!

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