Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valentine's Recap

Piper brought this card home from school...pretty cute.

I can't believe it...I didn't take one picture of our Valentine's Day evening/dinner.  I dropped the ball, but I assure you it was a success!  I had to work, so the girls (and Ryan) had the task to clean the house and decorate the dining room for our "romantic" candle light dinner.  I was not disappointed when I came home!!  The house was clean, the dining room looked beautiful and the potatoes were even peeled, cut and in a pot ready to be cooked!  This was probably one of the best Valentine's gifts this mom could ask for after a very tiring day at work!

I cooked up our traditional steak dinner complete with our molten lava cakes for dessert.  It came out pretty darn good if I do say so myself!!  

In other news, while east coasters are getting slammed by old man winter, us Utahns are praying for snow!!  Our poor little ski resort is looking quite bare and slowly runs are being closed due to the lack of's sad, very sad.  

So do a little snow dance in our honor please.

Happy Wednesday ya'll!!

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