Monday, March 30, 2015

Bike riding again!

 For the past few Sunday afternoons we've been enjoying some family bike rides.  Yes, as in with everyone!  Morgan is on the tandem with Ryan who also pulls the trailer with the little ones.  Haley and I are on our own bikes.  It's a bit crazy as you can imagine, but we stick to the river trail which has been nice.  Haley is still trying to figure it all out...she rides her bike nearly everyday, but it's to her friend's house or to go see the horses....that kind of riding.  The idea of consistent pedaling for longer distances is something that's kinda hard for her.  So we keep our rides pretty's best if we can end a ride when everyone is still smiling!

On this day, Haley was on the tandem.  Morgan stayed home nursing a sore knee she had from falling of her bunk.  

Anyway, this week Ryan is in CO working so I opted to take the little ones out for a ride myself while the older two were at school.  I stayed close to home as I was a bit nervous to ride down the big hill to the valley floor...the whole trying to ride back up pretty much scared me.  So I found a little loop with some hills of its own and that was plenty for me!  
Riding with the trailer took me back to when I pulled Haley and Morgan when they were wee ones.  Some old posts on that here and here.  Oh the memories!  But I will say that Piper and Rory get along waaaay better in the trailer than Haley and Morgan there's that, which is nice.

Happy Monday ya'll!!

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