Friday, March 27, 2015

End of the season.

The Sundance Snowsports crew, 2015.
See if you can find me...I'm standing next to my bearded brother.

Another season is coming to an end.  The mountain is closing for skiing on Sunday.
It wasn't the best for snowfall, in fact, it was one of the worst in history.  But we made do, and still had an awesome season.  I love working with this group of people, and of course with my little bro.

I brought my uniform home to wash it yesterday and had to empty it of everything that has collected in my pockets...thought I'd share, because I always find it fascinating how much stuff can accumulate.
We have:
name tag
PSIA level 1 pin
"Believe in Steven" button
a handful of zip ties
numerous foam stickers
chocolate gold coin
an edgie-wedgie
two Sun Dollars
employee I.D.
responsibility code cards
season pass

This is kinda on the light side too.

On a different note...Spring has Sprung here and it's beautiful!  
Picture from my walk this morning.

Have a great weekend ya'll!

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