Monday, May 4, 2015

Back on the bike.

Since the end of ski season I've been trying to stay more consistent with exercising...whether it's walking/running, biking or yoga...doing one of those things at least five days a week.  And so far I've been pretty committed, which kinda surprises me a little.  

My goals are: Not to suck so much for the weekly mountain bike races (starting very soon), and to lose 5 pounds (which by the way, I've been at this pretty hard for several weeks now and I'll have you know that I have NOT lost a single pound yet).  But whatever...I know that I'm probably stronger now than I have been in a very long time!  And since I've started road riding a bit more I'm kinda falling in love with it again.  I've started going on rides by myself which is kinda difficult for me, but once I'm out it can be very therapeutic.  And it's so pretty here!!

South Fork Canyon.

Riding this morning with my little brother, Jeffy.
He has quickly become my new riding partner!
Eventually Ryan and I will be able to ride more together too, but for now we have to kinda tag team the little ones. 
 The horses up South Fork.

Oh and if anyone was wondering our dogs survived their first grooming experience and I have to say they look like slightly overweight show dogs now!  It was pretty awesome...except for the part that one of them (pretty sure it was Etta) had diarrhea  in the back of Ryan's car on the way home...not so awesome.  Luckily it was on a grimy blanket and they didn't tromp around in it...but seriously...not cool!
But look how pretty they are....Awwwwww!

Happy Monday ya'll!

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