Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!!

As you may already know, my parents own a home a block or so from where I live (they only live there part time) brother, Jeff, currently lives in it while he goes to school.  Anyway, my mom has a craft room in the basement where she stores tons and tons of old photos.  It is a treasure trove of memories!  So every so often we'll poke around and find some real good ones.

So, in light of Mother's Day I have a couple to share.
Mom and I at Collegiate Track Nationals in Dominguez, CA, (1998 I think).  
She's most likely giving some encouragement before my race...or telling me how rad I look.

 And isn't this a with little Jeffy boy.
Gosh, I don't even know what year this would be.

I love these pictures!
My mom is patient, kind and always so supportive...I'd be lost without her!
Love you!
Happy Mother's Day!

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