Thursday, May 14, 2015

Weekly Race Series: Sundance

 Well here we go again!  The Weekly Race Series has begun!  

I've actually been riding more this year than I have in years prior...I would even go as far to say that I'm training???  What?  However, it's all been on the road.  This was first day that I've hopped on my mountain bike since last year.  So needless to say I was bit rusty in the technical department and I'm VERY tentative big I'm really slow!  But you know...I'll hopefully come around in time.

 Mighty Timpanogos in the background.
Gosh, I love where we live!

Jeffy was giving my girls rides on his bike after the race.
It was super cute.

It's going to be rainy the next few hopefully I'll be able to squeeze some rides in there somewhere.  I'm determined get stronger and better at this sport!!

And thank you Ryan for watching the kiddos while I race!

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