Saturday, June 27, 2015

Everyday life.

 Summer is flying by it seems!  I just can't keep up with our everyday happenings over here.  Although we haven't had any trips nor do we have anything planned as of yet, we are keeping busy just the same.  So I decided to let you know what we've been up to lately.

We went to the Annual Springville Children's Art Festival.

 Our Sundance Sundays are in full swing!

 Keeping up with the mountain bike weekly race series every Wednesday evening.
I feel pretty good and competitive some days, other days I'm scared out of my mind and think "Why on earth am I even doing this?!".  But even so....I think I'm getting better...maybe...I hope.

But on a different note with mountain biking:
Last week I won the raffle after the race and got a pink cruiser out of it!
I've never owned a bike like this...I've owned road bikes, track bikes, and mountain bikes, never a cruiser...but secretly I always wanted a kick around town kinda bike.  Especially growing up by the beach when it seems every girl owned a beach cruiser.  So anyway, I've been having fun riding it to the our neighbor's pool with the kids.  And needless to say, Haley has been enjoying it as well.

 We took the family to the Riverwoods for their "Beach Party".
The big event for the evening was the beach ball drop...apparently there were 2,000 that they dropped!  It was mayhem to say the least...and yes, all four of my girls went home with a beach ball.

 I had to add this picture of Piper at the "Beach Party".
She's getting all zen.  She pulls this out every so often...I've seen her pull this pose sitting on top of the toilet paper packages at the grocery store.  I don't know...she's weird.

 We have a neighbor with a pool and they open it up a couple of hours a day to let neighbor kids play in it.  It's pretty awesome...needless to say we're there a lot!

And just today we took the kids to a little reservoir to swim.
I didn't even know this place existed until a couple of weeks ago!  Where have I been?!
Anyway the girls had a blast, I know we'll be back.

And last but not least, Morgan's selfie.
Because my kids have taken over my phone.

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