Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day Daddy-o!!

Little back ground on this photo:  
This picture was taken on the long track speed skating oval in Butte, Montana...probably around 1990.  Just a quick little side note, this was the rink that Bonnie Blair did some of her training on...unfortunately, she was out of town when we were there, bummer.  Anyway, when this picture was taken it was 0 degrees...just a little chilly!  We would have to take breaks often and warm up in the little hut nearby because our faces would get so cold when we skated.  And during this trip (it was a road trip) we ran into temperatures down to -35!!  There are some tough people living up north that's for sure!  

So Happy Father's Day to the guy that introduced me to speed skating and cycling, and gave me my competitive spirit.
Love you!

And of course Father's Day wouldn't be complete without wishing my baby daddy a Happy Father's Day too!  He's sporting the ties that the girls made him and I'll have you know he wore all four of them for the whole three hours at church.  Love you babe!

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