Monday, June 15, 2015

What we're watching.

So a while back I decided we needed a show to enjoy with the girls...on those evenings when we make pizza and all plop in front of the TV and just chill.  And I can't really handle that much of "Jesse" or "My Babysitter is a Vampire" (two of Haley and Morgan's favorites).  

So I decided on "Once Upon a Time".
 I know of other families that watch this with their kids and thought I'd give it a go.  Yes, I know I'm a little late jumping on the wagon with this one.  It seems pretty much everyone who's anyone knows this show.
My kids love it!  And I like it pretty well too.  Ryan on the other hand...well, he puts up with it I guess.  The joys of having all girls!  I think we're on Season 2 right now.

And as for Ryan and I, we are currently obsessed with Longmire.
If you're not familiar with this show, it's about Walt Longmire who is a sheriff (and let's just say now...a total bad ass too) in a small town in Wyoming.  There is usually a murder that they have to solve and slowly you learn little snippets of Longmire's past and the mystery surrounding his wife's death.  So good!
We're almost done with Season 3.

So there you have it...that's what we're currently watching.

I need to do another Makeup Monday soon...I have a foundation that I've been really loving lately...from the drugstore no less!
Happy Monday!!

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