Saturday, July 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Morgan!

 Nine years ago today my little Morga-Muffin came into this world!
However, it wasn't a completely smooth ride the day she was born.  This girl decided to give us a scare by being breech and resulting in an emergency C-section.  Then, finally after she was born, I had to wait what seemed like hours for the nurses to bring her to me after they patched me up.  And when they did bring her to me the first thing we all noticed was her head full of black hair...I thought for sure they had switched my baby with someone else.

But now, there is no denying she's my kid...she's my mini-me!

We actually celebrated her birthday on Thursday because Ryan is out of town this weekend.
So after swim lessons we let her choose where to eat...she chose Burger's Supreme (no real surprise there, it's one of her favorites!).  And then we came home to celebrate with my folks and my brother's family over cake and ice cream.

The only mishap was that the presents I had ordered didn't come in in time for Thursday's party...I fail. 
 But at least this way she had something to open this morning on her actual birthday!

Happy Birthday Morgan!!
We love you!

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