Thursday, July 23, 2015

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

Yesterday was my mom's birthday and it was spent like this:

At 9:45 mom and I headed up the mountain to Sundance where two facial appointments awaited us at the spa!!  Keep in mind...I (we) have never had a professional facial (or any facial for that matter) EVER!  And since we went to Sundance for our very first one, we have now set the bar pretty high, as this was the most luxurious facial ever!  We have never been pampered like that before...and now that I have had a taste of it...I like it...I like it a lot!

After facials we walked down to the Foundry Grill for lunch on the patio.  It was beautiful, and delicious and it was just so much fun to hang out and talk and laugh together.

By the time we got home we only had about an hour to get everyone ready for the Wednesday night mountain bike race (which just so happened to be at Sundance...yes, we went up there twice...I may as well live up there!).  Except this time both Ryan and I raced!!  The kids hung out with my folks and my brother's family was there too.

Carrie brought up cupcakes and after the race we sang Happy Birthday!

A perfect ending to a perfect day!
Happy Birthday Mom!
Love you!!

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