Saturday, August 22, 2015

Back to School Feast 2015

On Wednesday we had our first annual Back to School Feast.

The idea behind a Back to School Feast is so we can honor the girls as they embark on a new school year.  I love this idea so much...they really felt special having a dinner dedicated to just them.

A couple days before the dinner I had them decorate their hats or "crowns" for the feast.  My kitchen table looked like a craft store exploded!  I'm still sweeping up glitter.  But they turned out really cute I think!

I gave each of them a cute headband as part of the place setting.

After we finished eating the girls opened what our yearly theme is.

 I wanted something simple, yet important.
"Have Courage and Be Kind"
Yes, straight out of the new movie Cinderella.
What can I's perfect.
I just printed it up myself and found a nice frame for will be going in the upstairs hallway for the girls to see every morning as they come downstairs.

I also ordered a glass star to represent this year and to remind the girls that they are "shining stars", "beacons of light".

I really love having a dinner to kick off the new school year...and who doesn't love another tradition?!
Menu: Grilled Salmon
Roasted potatoes
Strawberry and Spinach salad
fresh rolls
Magic juice to drink (flavored bubble water mixed with juice)
And for dessert: Sugar Cookie Bars.

Thanks to Stephanie Nielson for sharing her Back to School Feasts so I can pretty much copy her ideas.
What can I's a good one. :)