Thursday, August 20, 2015

First day of school 2015

Yesterday was the first day of school!
I can't believe how fast the summer zoomed by!

 Morgan is in 4th grade.
The school hired a few more teachers this year so her class size has dropped down to 19 kids!!  I'm pretty thrilled about that because she had about 35 in her class last year...and from my understanding they were quite the rowdy bunch too, which frustrated the heck out of Morgan.  So, she's pretty excited for this year.

 Haley is in 6th grade...this is her last year in elementary school.  I'm so glad they keep 6th in elementary instead of moving them into middle school.  They're still so young to me.  Anyway, one of the perks to being in 6th grade is that they now get a locker...yeah...big time!  Haley already has a ton of ideas on how she'll decorate the inside of it.

Unfortunately, kindergarten doesn't start until the end of next week.  Piper has been excited for school ALL summer, so waiting a WHOLE week is very difficult for her.  

And Rory will also be starting Preschool this year too...but again, she doesn't start for another week either.
So pictures on that to come!
Happy new school year!!

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