Monday, August 31, 2015

The little ones start school!

 Today was Piper and Rory's first day of school!

 Piper is in Kindergarten...and boy oh boy, was she excited!
But as soon as Ryan and I dropped her off in the classroom she completely freaked out!  It was so heartbreaking, definitely not the goodbye I was hoping for.  The teacher had to help pry her hands off me as she screamed, "Mommy don't go!!!!"  Yeah, it hurt my heart.  I had to leave quickly though because we had to drop Rory off at her preschool.  I later found out that Piper's good friends' mom saw Piper still upset after we left and bribed her with going over to her house to play and have Popsicles...problem solved...she was all smiles the rest of the time.  Thank goodness for friends.

Hopefully, we don't have to go through that everyday.

Rory started Preschool!
I know, my baby is in preschool!  What is happening to my children?  It's like they're growing up or something.
I friend of mine started a preschool this year.  It's just a couple of blocks away and I think it's going to be just perfect for Rory!! And luckily she didn't have any issues with me leaving her...all smiles!  She'll go three days a week in the afternoons, so on those three days I'll have two whole hours with no children...say what???  It's crazy, I know.  

To celebrate a little bit of freedom today, Ryan and I went out to lunch!
It was lovely.

Happy Monday!

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