Friday, September 11, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

We kicked off Labor Day weekend with the Ft. Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous on Saturday.  We've been going for a few years now, so it has become a bit of a tradition for the girls to get dressed up in pre 1840 garb and really embrace the whole experience!  And just like years before Morgan stayed for the weekend with our friends (their daughter and Morgan are little besties).  It's always so hard to say goodbye to her and I always worry if she's warm enough at night...but she always has a ball and loves every minute of it!
 Aren't these girls darling?  And pretty authentic too, huh...(minus Rory's tennies of course).

Sunday we kept with our normal routine of Sundance Sundays.  This time we packed a picnic dinner and stayed through the evening to watch the outdoor band play.  And it just so happened that a few of our neighbors had the same idea so the girls played all evening, running around the field with their friends.  And I must say...the evenings are getting a bit chillier...Fall is definitely in the air!

Because we didn't get enough of Sundance on Sunday, we decided to go up again Monday to do some mountain biking.  Haley was excited to give it go, so my dad and I took her out on the trails.
Three generations!

Haley is riding my old mountain bike...she loves it!  And I'm happy to report that she had a good time riding as well.  She only had one big spill into the bushes...not too bad.  I'm hoping next weekend we can get both Haley and Morgan out there!

That evening for Labor Day we had a fabulous BBQ at my parents house.  And later that evening our little Morgan came home...happy and very, very dirty!

Then on Tuesday (I know it's not the weekend anymore...but whatever) the cross season started!  So that evening (even though he doesn't have a cross bike and had to ride his mountain bike) Ryan raced.  And it wouldn't have been complete without Taco Tuesday right after! 

We're hanging on to summer for as long as possible!!
Happy Weekend ya'll!

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