Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sundance Sundays, going strong!

Sundance, as you may already know, is like our home away from home.  It's about 15 minutes away from our house so it's super easy for us to jump in the car and go.  And something about getting up in the mountains and in the mountain air is really refreshing.  

Sometimes we go up to ride bikes, sometimes we go up to ride the lift, and sometimes we go up just to sit by the pond and drink root beer and eat their suckers...or in my case a cookie as big as your head.

 The girls found a hill to roll down.
I'm petty sure we weren't allowed in the area...but the girls were able to sneak in some fun before anyone told us to leave.

 My mom has been joining us lately and we've been loving it!

I couple of weeks ago I took Haley and Morgan out on the trails.  This was Haley's second time and Morgan's first.  Haley did great and is getting a little more comfortable...Morgan however, is another story.  Poor thing was about in tears the whole way down.  Her hands are kinda small still to work the breaks very well, and since it's all down hill she was having quite a bit of trouble.  It took us while, but we made it down all in one piece!  Next time we'll keep her on the flats trails!

Nachos at Bear Claw makes everything better!

Fall is going strong here in Utah!
The mountains have already peaked with the Fall colors and it always takes my breath away!
I love this time of, crisp mornings and evenings, but still warm in the day...Love it!
Get out and enjoy those colors...they're going fast!

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