Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happy October!

 My blogging game hasn't been too hot lately...2 posts for September?!!  
What a shame!  I must do better!

So's October!!
Over the years of living in Utah (I'm going on 12 now!) October is kinda becoming one of my favorite months.  The mornings are cool and crisp, yet it warms up nicely by midday.  And we get an occasional chilly storm blow through...and you know I love a good storm!  Any excuse to stay in comfy clothes and not leave the house, I'm game!

In other news...we are now the owners of a cat.
 Meet Misty.
This little stray had been wandering around our yard and Haley, being our little animal lover, offered her some milk.  Without hesitating the cat lapped it up like there was no tomorrow...she must have been pretty hungry!!  And since that day, this little cat has not left left our porch...okay, I'm exaggerating a goes to the bathroom at some point...which, I'm pretty sure it's in our neighbors sorry about that.  But seriously, she lives on our porch.  We made a little bed for her using the kids' toy wagon and her food bowl and water are there too.  She's super happy...which is a lot to say, considering there are like a hundred (some days it feels that way) kids running in and out of this house at any given point in the day...yet, she has stayed.  

It's been a couple of weeks now, so Haley and I made it official and took her in to get her rabies shot (she has already been spayed) and get her a collar complete with her name and our number on it.  So yep, she's ours.  Haley is in little kitty heaven!
I'm not sure what's going to happen when the weather gets cooler...the little wagon bed (as awesome as it is) won't cut it in a big storm.  So either we have to create a better shelter, or this little cat will be coming indoors.

So...another female in our household.
We're 8 to 1 now with the female to male ratio...lucky Ryan!
I'll leave the fish out of it since who the heck knows with a fish!

Happy October ya'll!

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