Thursday, October 15, 2015

Goodbyes in our home.

I know kids can be quirky...heaven knows mine are.  

For instance, saying goodbye to our two little ones.  Now, normally, when parents say goodbye when they're off to work or the store or whatever...a kiss and a hug and an "I love you, see ya later." does the job.  Not my kids.

First they have decided that the plain ol' kiss will never must be Euro style with a kiss on each cheek and then ended with a third on the lips.  And then a hug...very important.  This HAS to happen EVERY time we part ways...dropping off school (parents probably thought it was cute the first day and now they're like..."wait, you do that everyday?"...that's right, people!  EVERYDAY!), dropping off at friends houses and saying goodnight.

And if you thought it ended would be wrong.  

The goodbye continues into a "race".  Any time, let me emphasis that, ANY TIME,  Ryan and I leave the house the little ones HAVE to race us down the street on their bike and scooter.  We must have our windows down so we can wave, and a honk as we drive away is also mandatory.  And believe me they remind us what we need to do every time.  And like suckers, we do it.  We could be gone for 5 minutes, or five days...the goodbye is the same.

And don't think this is just with Ryan and I...oh no, grandparents, uncles, doesn't really matter.  Once you come into our home you will become their next target. 

And be warned, their kisses are sometimes wet and or sticky.

The little ones "racing" Ryan on his way out to work this morning.

This process can be quite frustrating sometimes...especially if ones in a hurry.  But I try to keep reminding myself...there will come a day we won't have two little blondies racing us down the street every single time we leave the house.  At least I hope not, because that would be weird.  Well, weirder than it already is that is.

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