Friday, October 23, 2015

Fall Break 2015: Part I

Last week was fall break around these parts...a little perk of Utah's deer hunt.  The kids get three days off of school!  In the past we might have tried to skip town, maybe do some camping.  But this year we decided to stay home and just try to squeeze in some fun outings.

So, first up...Park City.
Ryan goes to Park City quite often for work, but for me and the kids it had been a couple of years.  I think the last time was for the Tour of Utah.

Anyway, we got up there a little before lunch time and decided to go straight to Main St. and look for a place to eat.

 Of course, we had to ride in the free trolley first!

 We found a perfect place where we could eat outside...and luckily the weather was quite nice!
It was The Bridge Cafe and Grill...and I ate probably the best BBQ bacon cheeseburger ever!
Just so you know.

Then it was off to Swaner Eco Center.
It's a preserve area for wildlife, educational programs, and a little museum and kid center.
 There is a look out tower and a little board walk on the grounds.
Unfortunately, we didn't see any animals.  Sad face.
But the girls really loved it here.
After the EcoCenter we stopped in the McPolin Farm...or also known as The White Barn in Park City.
This was a farm and working dairy back in the late 1800's.  Park City took it over in the 1990's and it now hosts different events and is also a very popular spot for photo shoots...which I'm not surprised, the area is beautiful!

 While we were there they were holding a type of Scarecrow festival.  Families from Park City decorated different types of Scarecrows and they are placed along the path to view.  The kids got a kick out of that as some were pretty well done!

And that was that...the sun set behind the mountains and we decided to head on home.

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