Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall Break 2015: Part II

After our adventure to Park City, the next day we decided to take the train to Salt Lake City.
The Frontrunner is fairly new, like only a few years runs between Provo and Ogden.  This would have been a dream back in the days when Ryan had to commute everyday to the city, in traffic and snow...blah!  Glad those days are behind us.  

So yeah, the's pretty nice.  We picked it up in Orem and got off at Salt Lake Central. 

 The kids really enjoyed the ride.

 And so did we!

It's pretty nice to just sit back and relax.
But the downfall...we were dropped off in not the best area of Salt Lake.  In hindsight, we should have jumped on the Trax and went straight to the city center.  But we were starving and knew there were some places to eat at this nearby outdoor mall (I'm blanking on the name of it).  But to get there, we had to walk though a heavily populated homeless area.  There are two shelters side by side, so the homeless congregate all around them.  I'm pretty sure we walked right by a drug deal in process.  I'll admit it...I wasn't feeling the most comfortable.

After we had lunch we had to relax on some benches for a bit.  Let me explain.  Haley loves spicy food...seriously, she puts Cholula on EVERYTHING!  And she doesn't go light on it either!  So, we went to a Mexican place to eat and she mistakenly assumed Tabasco would be the same as Cholula and pretty much drenched her Enchilada in it.  She was sweating bullets the entire time but she cleaned her plate.  However, right after she finished she got a terrible stomach ache...most likely her guts were on fire!  I'm thinking severe heartburn maybe.  So yeah, she had to sit for a bit until it passed...poor thing.  She didn't touch any hot sauce for a week after this incident.  

We walked over to the city center and Temple Square.  Unfortunately, it started raining so we headed straight over to the Church History Museum.
They have completely redone the entire museum since we've been there last so it was great to see it...although, it was crazy crowded!
And then we headed over to the Temple grounds and walked through the visitor center.
By this point it was already close to five and we decided to head back to the train stain to go home.  
Unfortunately, we missed the the train we were shooting for by just a few minutes...darn!  So we had to wait about 45 minutes for the next one.  I was a little worried we were going to be stuck with whiny kids..but the kids entertained themselves with a never ending game of tag.

Since it was a little quieter on the ride home we were able to sit on the second level of the train, and let me tell ya, the view is way better!
It was late by the time we got home...just enough time to feed the kids a bowl of cereal and send them to bed.  It was a full day!

Other things we did during the fall break...outing to the creamery and duck pond, Sundance (our last lift ride for the season), and to the dollar theater to see Inside Out.

I'd say it was pretty successful!
Happy Monday ya'll!

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