Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween 2015!

 I hope everyone had a very spooky and happy Halloween!

This year I decided to go more on the spooky side for my costume.  I recently had been given my grandmother's wedding dress...unfortunately it hadn't been preserved very well...the color is more of a yellow now with many stains and the only thing left of the veil is the headpiece (but the dress has got to be over 65 years old!! So what can you expect?!).  I wish I had a photo of my grandmother in it...the dress was beautiful in it's prime!  

But for now...it makes for a fabulous Zombie Bride!
Zombies seem to be all the rage right now...I decided to go with it.
 I was pretty proud of my makeup, having NEVER done a zombie look before, I think it came out pretty darn good!  I have to admit, I viewed several zombie tutorials on YouTube first to get my confidence up...thank you YouTube!!  Seriously though, what would we do without YouTube?!!

 Ryan was my Zombie Groom...isn't he handsome?
Can I just say...putting makeup on a man is hilarious...they can't keep there eyes still or not squeezed tight to save their life!!  But we got the job done.

 The night before Halloween our church hosted a Trunk or Treat party, so this was basically the girls' dress rehearsal for the actual day.
Haley and Morgan were Daphne and Velma from Scooby Doo.  I made Haley's dress (with some help from my mom) so I'm pretty proud of that! I bought Morgan's online (it came with the wig and glasses!)...all I needed to find were the socks and shoes.  Piper and Rory went as Rapunzal and Elsa which worked out great because we already had everything for that, yay!  Piper is holding up a frying pan if you're wondering what she's doing in the photo.  And Rory is blowing a kiss.
 A friend took this photo of Ryan and I...Ryan's blank stare cracks me up!

Luckily, the weather was quite nice for trick or treating!
Although now I'm in the mood for some winter storms!

Another Halloween in the books...now onto Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, amazing job with the zombie makeup! Love the wedding dress too. The girls look adorable and Haley's costume is perfect!
