Thursday, November 5, 2015


...Cyclocross has come to an end...sort of.  
I should say the P-Town Cross series has come to an end, but Ryan just may squeeze in another cross race in yet!

 We were super lucky as far as the spectating goes.  The weather was lovely for every race...I think...I"m pretty sure anyway.  I remember some years watching Ryan race freezing to death!  But this year, not so fact our Fall as been really mild.  Kinda scares me really, cause I want an awesome winter this year...we got gypped last year!

FYI:  You should google the word "gypped".  I thought it was spelled "jipped" but no, it actually comes for the word "gypsies" and is said to be an offensive word because it is referring to gypsies as being cheats or con-artists. 
 So, I apologize to all the gypsies reading this.

Also lately...I started a lot...okay, a lot for me anyway.  I have pretty bad knees, so jogging is kind of a big deal for me.  I started working up to it and mainly walked slowly building up until I jogged my whole routes...which varied between 3.5 to 4.5 a said, that is a lot of jogging for me and my weak little knees!!

I was pretty consistent there for a while.

 Ryan and I even got out a few times together...left the kids to their own devices and everything.  
We're such rebels!

But then Ryan went out of town for a while, then the weather got pretty chilly in the mornings which is the time of day I typically jogged (my knees are extra bad in the cold...and lets face it I'm kinda wimpy too) so my jogging days have gone to the way side these past several weeks.  BUT, the good news...I lost 5 whole pounds since the end of that's pretty good.  Go me.

 Rory and I enjoying our walks to school to pick up the girls.
Such a beautiful fall!! we took a turn!
Today we had our first official snow fall!

You can't see it, but it's totally snowing in this picture!
Nothing stuck on the ground, but it snowed!!  This gives me hope that we'll have a good snow season...we need it sooooo bad!!

So with that, here's to hoping for a spectacular ski season!

Happy Thursday!

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