Monday, November 9, 2015


I want to share with you all what I did today.  Without guilt...because that's the way it should be.  

Got up around 7:15.  Got the girls breakfast (Haley always makes her own breakfast...and sometimes she has already eaten and made her lunch before I even get down the stairs...I know...what a girl!).  Then I pack their lunches and Ryan rides with them to school at 8:20.  Then I have breakfast...and this morning I enjoyed a cup a coffee (guilt free) along side it.  When Ryan got back we chatted for a few minutes (while we sipped our coffee) while the little ones watched some Netflix before he headed off to work.

I then got ready for the day, changed out of my pj's and into...wait for it...sweats (but they were cute sweats, at least in my eyes, ha!) and slapped on some mascara and lipstick and put my hair up...good to go.  

By this point the little ones ran outside to play with their neighbor friend and I cleaned the kitchen and straightened up while talking to my mom (gotta love talking using ear buds and having hands free!)...we probably talked for about an hour...but that's very normal when I talk to my mom...we just can't help it.

11:30 I get the little ones' lunch on the table and get Piper ready for school (PM kindergarten).  At 12:10 we're out the I rode my bike and the little ones scootered there.

When we got back from dropping Piper off I made my lunch (fruit smoothie) and then cuddled up on the couch with Rory and watched...not one...but TWO episodes of American's Worst Cooks on Netflix.  At some point Rory fell asleep...I love that she still falls asleep on me!

Around 2:45 Rory and I headed back out on our bike and scooter to pick up the girls from school.  We left pretty early so Rory could play on the playground.  That girl loves her some swings!  I pushed her (and had a little photo shoot...I could not get enough of her smile...pure joy) until the bell rang for the kids to get out.

Haley rode on home after saying hi...Morgan, Piper, Rory and I stayed at the playground until about 4:15.  It was a perfect fall afternoon!

Came home, helped the girls with snacks and made some pizza dough.  Ryan came home around 5:30 and Haley was making some pumpkin cake (while I kinda supervised).  They did some homework while I finished the pizza for dinner and then we all watched an episode of Once Upon a Time while we ate.  And then of course Haley's dessert before they went to bed.

Sometimes I think I can be hard on myself if I'm not busy everyday, whether it's chores or errands or keeping my little ones occupied.  But the truth is, slow days are okay.  I'm learning that I don't need to justify it and I'm learning that I shouldn't feel guilty about it either.  Don't get me wrong...there is a balance.  Some days are really crazy, we ALL have those why not take a slow day when you can get it!

 It's easy to compare our lives with others and the feel need to keep up with or impress that mom (you know the one)...but really...who gives a damn.  Just be you.

Today was a really good day.

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