Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Last Week and Weekend Review

Last week Ryan and I went on a few errands while the older girls were in school.
We came out of Costco only to discover that our battery was dead.  Easy fix...just get someone to jump it!  Well, that would be true if our hood could open!
A while back the cable to the hood release broke. We basically got a temporary fix and meant to really fix it...but we forgot.  So when our battery died and we couldn't open the hood we were like, "Oh yeah...we were supposed to fix that.  Whoops."  AAA to the rescue!  And I'm happy to report it has now been fixed and our hood is fully operational.  All ready for a road trip next week!
 We also got our first snow fall (well, that actually stuck to the ground anyway) in the valley last week!
This is good...really, really good for the resorts!

 Saturday the girls had friends over and I really wasn't in the mood to cook.  So we took everyone to Pizza Pie (a pizza/pasta buffet)...this is a kid heaven...seriously.  And to be honest, it's practically a parent heaven too.  1.  Kids can eat as soon as we are seated.  2.  It's super family friendly, so I don't have to worry about kids disrupting other patrons or food falling on the floor.  Pretty much every table has about a minimum of 4 we fit right in.
And thank goodness for Pizza Pie coupons...they look out for us families!

So, for the past couple of months I've been pretty wound up about our Primary Program at church.  For my particular calling or job, I'm in charge of all of it...and it's kinda stressful.  This is last years post about it...nothing much has changed with my stress level...this is my second year doing it and I'm still just as worked up.

Anyway, last Sunday was the big day this year for the Program.  And it is the first and only year that ALL four of my children are in the program together...which is kinda special.  And speaking of mom flew out just for the program!!

So anyway, Rory was being a little peculiar Sunday...she said her speaking part (thank goodness it was right in the beginning) but then refused to come up for any of the songs with the other children.
In fact, she fell asleep on her teacher's lap.
Very weird, especially since it was only like 9:45 in the morning when she zonked out.

So, after the program the children go to the primary room.  Our little 3 year olds (the class Rory is in) sit right in the front row.  I happened to be conducting primary that morning and as soon as we were done with the opening exercises Rory decides that would be the perfect time to barf...all over herself...and the floor...and a little bit on the girl sitting next to her (which actually happened to be the little girl's first day!)  Yeah, welcome to Primary...BLAH!!  Poor thing, I think she was traumatized after that...hopefully she'll come back next week.  

I felt so bad for my little wonder she was sleeping during the program.  I was so worked up that morning about everything that needed to be done I didn't even know she wasn't feeling well.
We got Rory (and the other little girl) and the floor cleaned up and I sent Rory home with Ryan.
She laid around the rest of the day and by morning she was back to normal...short lived, thank goodness!

And speaking of morning...Monday morning we woke up to snow!

Rory and Morgan watching the snow fall.

So, the program is done and I can breath again!
Now, it's all about getting ready for Thanksgiving and our trip to Sedona!
If everyone can stay healthy I would greatly appreciate that!

Happy Hump Day!

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