Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Rory!!

 Today my littlest one turned FOUR!
Good grief...how can that be?!

The day went like this:

We woke her up by singing Happy Birthday with a chocolate chip muffin (complete with candle) presented to her.
She was thrilled!

Kids went off to school and Rory and I headed to Costco to pick up a few things.
She took it upon herself to tell every person we passed in the aisles that it was her birthday.  And when I say tell, I mean practically shout at them, "So you know!!  IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!".  She said this to every person...did I say that already?  Good times.

So then it was back to the house where she played with her neighbor friend while I baked a cake.
The girls came home and before we knew it, it was already dinner.

We enjoyed a quiet little family party..
Wait...did I say "quiet"...ha!  Like it's ever quiet in this house.  But you know what I mean.
Her dinner of choice...pasta of course!

And dessert...purple cake with strawberry ice cream.

And then she opened presents.

I can't help but laugh at these next series of pictures.
Everyone changes their poses except for Rory, who holds strong.
Good job Rory.

And that was that.
My baby is now four.

Oh, how we love her!

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