Thursday, December 17, 2015

One week countdown.

Okay...a week and a day really...but either way...oh my gosh...Christmas is almost here!

The girls have been begging Ryan to put up Christmas lights on the outside of the house, so finally a couple of days ago he put some up.
I know this pretty much knocks your socks off! 
Watch out Clark Griswold...we're coming for ya!!

 Also, this last week the kids made some Gingerbread houses...okay, graham cracker houses.
And unfortunately, two days into having them displayed in the dinning room the dogs ( was just Etta) already killed two of them.  Damn dog!

 We have been getting snow...lots of snow, and it's been fabulous!  In fact, it supposed to snow every day leading up to Christmas next week!  

And speaking of snow...I have a hunch that the kids will be doing much skiing this holiday break!  That is, we can all stay healthy!  Rory still has a lingering cough and unfortunately she has passed this cold on to me.  I feel pretty crummy, my nose won't stop dripping and I have a perpetual sneeze on deck at all times which is so irritating...but the show must go on!
The passes this year kill me...Haley and Piper's personalities were captured perfectly in these photos!

So, with that...I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

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