Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas Eve

 The week leading up to Christmas the girls and I would pick a Christmas book to read before bed.  I love that my older girls still love to listen to picture book stories!

Christmas Eve we had plans to load up the kids for a morning of skiing, but with all the new snow we had (over 70 inches in just a few days) the parking lot was already full by 9:30 that morning.  Bummer.
Plan B: sledding.
We have a pretty good sledding hill at the park next to our house.

 Rory's kills me!  I crack up every time I look at it!

That night we had lovely time at my brother's for a Christmas Eve meal.
We drove home with the snow falling and listening to Christmas music.
When we got home the girls opened their traditional Christmas Eve gifts...this year they received Mexican house dresses...I think they are beautiful!  Each one has a slightly different embroidered design on it.  Simply lovely!

Ryan read "The Night Before Christmas" (as always) before we tucked them all in bed.

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