Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas 2015

 Ryan and I got to bed around 12:30 after finishing all our little tasks that need to be done Christmas Eve.  As a child I remember being so excited it was hard for me to sleep...and now as an adult, I'm just as giddy...I'm just so excited to see my girls' eyes light up when they wake up and come down stairs.  Christmas is just so magical with children!

After Ryan and I went to bed we got a visit from Morgan about every 30 minutes until morning.  She would come in and say, "I can't sleep.  Is it morning yet?"  And we would respond the same way..."Does your clock say 7:00?  Then it's not morning..."  
Poor thing...I remember feeling her pain when I was her age.  Little did she know, I was just as restless with excitement!

But morning indeed came!
And so did Santa!!

Some top gifts were Penny boards and Polaroid mini cameras for the older girls, and new Razors and dolls for the little ones.
 The girls and I in our new Mexican house dresses.

It's all about the Pit Vipers this year.

We had my family over Christmas evening for a ham dinner and hot chocolate bar dessert...and MORE presents!

 It was a beautiful day!
But we missed my brother, Andrew, who's living in Big Bear.  Bummed he wasn't able to join year, right Andrew?

This year has been loads of fun and I'm pretty sure 2016 won't disappoint!

Happy New Year ya'll!!

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