Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The latest.

So what's been going on around here... children continue to never where clothes, even when we have arctic temperatures outside.
I was lucky she had a shirt on this time.

 I have been working every weekend on the slopes...and let me tell ya, during the holidays I had to endure some pretty chilly temps...chilly as in below zero chilly!  Seriously, how did I survive?!  And more importantly, how did all those children who took lessons survive?!  Hot chocolate breaks are a must!  

We've been trying to get the kids skiing as often as possible.
Last week we had our most successful ski outing to date.  First off, everyone can ski independently now, which is pretty darn cool!  And secondly, not one kid complained or whined or cried...this is unheard of for our family.  Usually, there is always at least one kid having an off day.  Not this time!  Everyone was pumped and didn't want to stop skiing...we seriously had to drag them off the mountain when it was time to go home.  It was a dog gone miracle!

 Morgan making cookies.  
This girl loves crafting and cooking.

After work smooching.
If you can believe it, Rory snapped this photo.  She was perched up on the counter right beside my I found this photo along with a photo of our sink and one of our fruit bowl and another of the get the idea.  But I'll give her credit on this one.

So with that...hope ya'll are having a fabulous hump day!

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