Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Everyday life.

I realized as I was downloading my photos that nearly all of them posted today are selfies.
Weird.  I should probably do a better job taking pictures.

 A couple of weeks ago Ryan and I went to my employee work party at Sundance.  In the past we've had a sitter stay with the kids...but Haley is 11 1/2 and we thought, I bet they can take care of each other now.  We've left them alone plenty of times before, but never in the evening for multiple hours.  And I don't think we've ever left all four together at the same time...I've always feared they would just fight the whole time.  

So yeah, back to the date.  In preparation for them being alone, we picked up three (yes, three) movies from the library, ramen noodle cups (or salt cups as we call them), and popcorn.  You know, just the necessities for any child home alone.  My only rules: 1.  Everyone is safe and taken care of.  2.  The house isn't trashed.  And 3.  Everyone needed to be in jammies when we got home.

And I'm happy to report they did great.
The kitchen and family room were clean, and everyone had jammies on when we walked in...oh, and everyone was safe (most importantly!)
So, this has opened a whole new door of opportunities for Ryan and I!  It's a pretty nice feeling when we hit new milestones as parents...like having a child old enough now to watch the younger ones.  Wow...it's kinda weird...but cool too.

Carpooling to work with my little bro and co-workers.  
They keep me feeling young...or sometimes really old (I'm old enough to be some of my co-workers' mother...that's pretty scary!)...but whatever.  Speaking of old (just kidding, he's not old...yet), today is Jeffy's birthday!!  So Happy Birthday little bro!  When I grow up I want to ski just like you!!  Seriously people, he can rip the S#*t out of any mountain!  That's the truth!

 Speaking of ripping it up...Utah has been killing it with all the snow this year.
We took the family night skiing a week or so ago and it was dumping snow!
They met me up there after I finished working so I had a grand total of over 8 hours on the snow when the day was done.  I WAS BEAT!  But the girls had a ball, and there is nothing better than seeing my kiddos ski!

 Misty, the cat that decided to adopt us last Fall, is alive and well.  In fact she has claimed the upstairs (Haley's room in particular) as her own.  She rarely comes down stairs...if at all.  But when she does make an appearance she is the sweetest cat (and I'm not even a cat person!)

In other exciting news (exciting to me anyway), yesterday I hit my goal weight!
I have lost 8 pounds since the end of last summer and I'm pretty darn thrilled I achieved that!

Happy Tuesday ya'll!

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