Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Everyday life + Valentine's Day

 Last week Piper lost her first tooth!
She ended up pulling it out herself...with a bit of coaxing from me.
It was kinda traumatic for her, but once it was finally out she was all smiles.

 Also last week Haley and Morgan had their last day of ski school...I can't believe how fast those six weeks went!

 We attended the girls' school Valentine's dinner and art show last week as well.
The girls had a ball and it was fun to see their art work posted around the school.

I worked the entire weekend (Friday -Monday) which pretty much kicked my butt, but we still manged to have a really nice Valentine's Day dinner Sunday.  Ryan brought the girls up to ski that afternoon to meet up with me and then we all went home together to celebrate.  I made my traditional steak dinner with lava cakes for dessert.

I didn't go crazy with the decorations this year since it was such a busy weekend, but I think it turned out to be a pretty nice evening!
Ryan and I gifted the girls with little necklaces which thrilled them to pieces!

And of course Valentine's isn't complete without a smooch or two!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

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