Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Birds and the Bees

Okay, can we just look at this picture for a second...
My eleven year old is nearly as tall as me.
She sometimes borrows my clothes and can nearly fit into my shoes (I kinda have big feet for my height).

Anyway...just wanted to point that case you missed it...which you probably didn't because pretty much everywhere Haley and I go together EVERYONE loves to point out that she is almost as tall as me.

Okay, back to the post....because you're probably wondering about it.
Morgan recently got a book from the library that had a section on reproduction, with diagrams I might add.  She has been wanting me to sit down with her and talk about it...something I probably should have done a while ago...but I admit, I was stalling.  Now, Haley has been to her maturation lectures at school and I've gone over the whole puberty thing with my girls forever ago, but I haven't really talked about reproduction.  I know Haley knows things already (kids talk at school, I know this), but even though I thought it best for both girls to be present for this little chit chat.

Kids need to realize (which I don't think they do) that it's just as awkward for us adults as it is for them.  As uncomfortable as they were I tried to assure them that every kid on earth goes through's kinda like a right of passage I guess.  So I tried to be as cool as a cucumber saying words like "penis" and "vagina".

One child giggled through most of it.
The other was slightly traumatized.

And through it all, phrases and questions such as these were some of the high points that I need to remember forever:

"WHAT?!  My husband will have to see me naked?  And I'll have to see him naked?!!!  GROSS!"
"Mom, this is too much for a girl my age to handle!!!!"
"Wait!  So, you and daddy have done this FOUR times?!!"

Ahhh, good times.
Happy Wednesday ya'll!

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