Thursday, March 3, 2016

Happy Birthday to Me!

Last Friday I celebrated my 38th birthday., so weird.
 Ryan ran out first thing and picked up some cinnamon rolls from Shirley's Cafe (the absolute best place for sweet rolls!) for my birthday breakfast.  I don't really think there is any better way to start the day off than with a sweet treat and a bold cup of coffee...seriously.  

I had to scoot off to work shortly hoo.

Ryan had been asking what I wanted to do for my Birthday dinner, and honestly the only thing that sounded good after a long day skiing was a hot shower and staying home.  Ryan ended up bringing us home some Cafe Rio for dinner and we all celebrated with cake that night.
I really know how to party!  Ha!
In my defense I had a really bad cold too and was feeling pretty cut me some slack!
Oh, and Ryan gifted me some new Vans, because you can never have too many pairs of I right?!

Happy Birthday to Me!

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