Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016

Easter went like this:
 First thing in the morning, the girls hunted for their baskets.  The Easter bunny went easy on them this year...and all but Morgan found them right off!  We'll have to remedy that for next year!  Morgan, however, had a bit more trouble and eventually found hers in the dryer.  Rookie move on her part...everyone knows the first place to look should be the dryer!

I made french toast for breakfast and then it was off to church.
 Me with my girls.

My mom hosted a lovely dinner at her house that evening complete with an Easter egg hunt for the kids.

And this year my brother Andrew was with us!
So because it's kind of a rare occasion that all three of my brothers and I are together at the same time we had to document it with a photo.

And of course we had to pose exactly the way we did from our last Easter picture in 2013...
Other than my legs are leaning to the other side...I think we nailed it.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

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