Thursday, March 24, 2016

St. George Weekend

 Last weekend we hit the road and headed down to St. George for the Tour de Sol stage race.
I was soooooo looking forward to a little weekend getaway.  The last time we had a little trip was Thanksgiving!  And I think we were all looking forward to some sunshine!!
We packed up Friday afternoon for the four hour drive and Rory was asleep before we even got to the freeway!

We stayed right in the middle of town...this little gem that used to be a women's dorm for Dixie State but is now converted into a hotel.  It's a single story, pretty small place...perfect to let the kids roam around without getting lost.  There isn't a TV in the room but they have a great common area with a TV, games and books that the kids loved.  I have a hunch this will be our new go to place any time we have to stay in St. George!

Saturday morning was the Time Trial.
 Ryan's start wasn't until late morning so we all decided to go with him.

 Snacks on the curb.

 The crit wasn't until Saturday evening so we spent the entire afternoon at the nearby splash pad letting the girls play...they had a ball!  We even found a little place to grab lunch across the street and picnicked at the park.

Kisses before the race...this has quickly become one our favorite pictures ever!

 The crit was not the most exciting to spectate.  It was held at a little airport, which doesn't make for a very thrilling course.
 I backed the truck along the side of the course so the girls could have somewhere to sit and watch...there wasn't a whole lot for them to do, but I have to say they were able to amuse themselves pretty well.
Of course it wouldn't be complete if there wasn't quite a bit of bickering as well..."She's sitting in my space!!"  "She took my book!!"  "She sat on my picture!!"  "She licked my foot!!!"  (Yes, that last phrase was actually said by one of my children...I don't even want to know...)

Sunday morning was the road race.  Ryan left first thing in the morning while I stayed back and got the girls ready and packed up the hotel.  We drove out to see the finish, but we ended up getting there too early and had quite a bit of time to spare.
 Luckily there was a great park right near the finish line the girls could play at.

 Haley and Morgan were so helpful with the little ones.  Haley played tag with them in the field and Morgan piggy backed Rory all around when she got tired.  Oh, I just love it when my kids get along!!

 Post race.

 We headed to a grocery after to grab some lunch.
Rory of course zonked had been a action packed weekend so I'm not surprised she fell asleep in a shopping cart.

 Lunch of size 7 layer dip with tortilla chips.  Ha!

Before heading out of town we hit up the splash pad one more time...the girls' choice...and let them play for a good hour before we hopped back in the car to head home.

But before I close, I need to share this last picture of Morgan.
 She has an old pair of glasses (without the lens)...I think they belonged to my dad maybe.  Anyway, she pulls them out every now and then to wear.  She keeps them in her travel bag, so when we're on the road I'll notice she's got them on.  I had to sneak this picture of her without her noticing.  Anyway, I think it's super cute that she likes to wear them.

And that is that my friends.

Happy Thursday!

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