Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Girls Camp

This morning at 6 AM Ryan and I dropped off Haley for a week at girls camp.
Haley with Grandma and Grandpa.

Girls Camp is a program through our church, and it's for all girls between 12 and 17.  Haley isn't quite 12 yet, but since her birthday is right around the corner they extended the invite to her as well.

Now, Haley went to Camp Big Springs (a school district camp out) last year for a week...so this wouldn't be her first camp out away from us.  She was pretty nervous last year about being away from home for that long, but it gave her a lot comfort knowing she was just going to our local mountains and would only be about 30 minutes away.  This time, however, she is going to Lake Powell...about 5 hours away.  She has been so excited about this trip...that is, until last night.  She barely slept, and was so worked up and scared...she even crawled into our bed at some point in the night...she NEVER does that!  

As a parent, I know this is going to be a grand experience for her...I mean really, they are going to have so much fun...and, they're going to be on a houseboat for crying out loud!  How fun it that?!  She's going to be with other girls she knows, and the most fantastic leaders.  BUT, it has to be her choice...I will not force her to go.  

By morning, she was ready...she wanted to go, she was nervous still, but we could tell, she really did want to go. So Ryan and I drove her to the church where she got a bit emotional again about leaving.  I kid you not...as a mother, this part kills me.  I have to fight every fiber in my being not to just whisk her back home and have her not go.  She may be nervous and scared, but little does she know, I'm completely falling apart inside, fighting back tears.  As moms, we have to put on our brave faces and convince our children that this is the best thing for them.  It's a great opportunity, with great people, and a she'll make life long memories.  But why is it so hard to let them go?!!  As we drove away I could see the other girls starting to swoop in and hopefully taking her under their wing.  

I know, it's silly...she's only going to be gone til Friday.

But, I worry...that's what I do best.  I hope she's having fun.  I hope she doesn't get homesick.  I hope she remembers to put on her sunscreen.  

I miss her...a lot.  My heart aches.
I'm allowing myself one day to wallow...but that's it.
I just love that girl so much.

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