Friday, May 27, 2016

Welcome Summer!

Yesterday marked the very last day of school, and to be honest, I welcome it.
Yeah, it can get pretty crazy around here...okay, it WILL get pretty crazy around here, but no schedules and NO homework is a relief!  (Although, I do have my own summer school program I do with the kids...but it's different than actual school...ya know.)

So the last couple of weeks have been packed full!

 We went to the school Extravaganza, always big fun!
Lots of booths, and food and tons of one rule, DO NOT win any goldfish!
Do you realize that we still have the three goldfish the girls won at this very Extravaganza two years ago?!  I know!  Who knew goldfish could even live that long?!

And thankfully it turned out to be a warm, beautiful day!

Piper graduated from Kindergarten!
She thought she could start first grade the very next day...I had to explain that she had to wait until after summer.  She was not happy about that.  Ha!

 And then Haley and Morgan had their annual, end of the year, dance festival.
Always a hit!

Now here we are, Summer!
I'm so ready for HOT days, ice cream cones on the porch, warm summer evenings, lounging at the pool, and no more morning school routines!
Bring it!

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