Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Peter the Rabbit

After our devastating loss of Poppy, I agreed that we would give this whole bunny thing another try.  And this time lay down some serious ground rules!

A couple of weekends ago, we picked out the cutest little baby bunny.
We named him Peter.
He is a mini rabbit, should only get to be about 3 to 4 pounds when he's full grown.
We already have a small rabbit hutch outside and the lady at the farm store said they do just fine outside but we should probably wait until he's a little bigger before he slept out in the hutch overnight.  There also happened to be a storm too that weekend, so I decided it best to keep him the house for a couple of days.  He basically lived in a cardboard box that weekend...in my room.  I was terrified that our cat was going to jump into the box and tear him to pieces (I think we're all a little traumatized still).

So when Monday rolled around I thought I'd poke around and look at some cages to keep Peter in when we bring him into the house...on stormy days only...you know...because he's an OUTSIDE rabbit.

Buuuut, I found a top notch cage (on sale!) that happened to fit perfectly where our pot bellied stove would go (if we had one to go there that is...but we don't, so why not put a rabbit cage there?).  Aaaand, it came with a little fence thing that hooks onto the cage so he can run around in an enclosed area...pretty nice, right?

Soooo, long story short, our outside rabbit just turned into an inside rabbit.

 Just like that I became super protective of this little guy.
I just can't bare to have him outside, where scary things might get him (like our dogs for instance).
And actually, so far Misty (our cat) doesn't seem too interested in Peter.  She's rarely downstairs anyway.

And all this took place while Ryan was in Quebec for work. When you leave a house of all girls, you just never know what you'll come home too, ha!

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