Monday, May 16, 2016

Weekly Race Series

Last Wednesday Haley competed in her very first mountain bike race...and pretty much her third ever real mountain biking experience.  I decided to ride with her in the beginner group.

It started out a little rough...there is major climb going out and Haley was ready to throw in the towel right then and there, but I coaxed her on.  Once her legs warmed up a bit she felt better.  But this girl cracked me up...she lacks that competitive spirit (as of right now anyway)..which is weird because Ryan and I are both very competitive.  She would be riding behind me and every now and then she would call out, "Mom!!  Look at this view!!!  It's so pretty, we need to stop so we can take it in!".  I would remind her that we were racing and that probably wasn't a good idea.  Or another occasion I saw two of her competitors up ahead on trail and I would tell Haley, "Let's catch those guys!!  They're right there!  You can do that so easy!"  She would just say, "Oh, that's okay mom.  This speed is perfect."  

She just floats the pedals and takes in the views.  
That's my Haley, and we love her for it!

She finished, although  we nearly froze to death in the process.
But she was still smiling at the end and that was my goal.
I'm so proud of her!

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