Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Happy May!

Actually, May would be a lot more "happy" if this darn rain would quit!  Okay, I'm being dramatic...it's not even raining today...but it's cooooold!  Where are my 70 degree spring days?!  The other day we had a massive hail storm...it was nuts!  And the wind has been crazy!!  I seriously thought the roof was going to blow off the other night.  So yeah, when we do have a warm day, we really have to make use of it because it will probably rain for the next week after it.

So anyway, to kick off May the girls passed out their annual May Day flowers to our neighbors.
 The girls and I absolutely love this tradition!
Now if I could just get them to not fight over who gets to ring the doorbell I'll be one happy mom.

 We recently had the girls' 5K.  And hallelujah, it wasn't raining!
Ryan ran it with Haley.

 Jeff ran with Morgan.

 And I ran with Piper...and Rory.
The kindergartners had a shorter loop around the school.

 And speaking of running, I've started running a bit again.  I have a 3.5 mile loop that I do and it has a killer climb (that I usually end up walking up) that hurts like a son of a gun!  It hurts so good, right?!

And then of course we had Mother's Day last Sunday.
It was lovely!
Haley and Morgan got up early and made eggs, hot chocolate, plated the cinnamon rolls, and set my place so nicely, complete with all their little gifts.  It was really sweet!  I'm so proud of these kids of mine!  I'm pretty darn lucky to be their mom!!

Unfortunately, it rained ALL day...but, whatcha going to do?
It made for really good napping weather though...which I did partake.  What's a Sunday without a nap anyway??

Tomorrow we kick off the Mountain Bike Series...and by the way, my first race will mark my first day on my mountain bike this season.  Probably not the best way to go into it!
Wish me luck!

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